Gall, Chris. NanoBots. illus. by Chris Gall. 40p. Little, Brown. Aug. 2016. Tr $16.99. ISBN 9780316375528.
PreS-Gr 2 –Hard at work in his musty basement, a brilliant young inventor constructs a crew of mighty but minute NanoBots, each with its own special skill and the ability to change the world. For example, MechanoBots can infiltrate the “hardest-to-reach places” and fix anything with their built-in tool arrays; HeloBots utilize rotors to fly in swarms and can form any shape needed; ChewBots gobble down “nasty, icky stuff” (e.g., ground-into-the-carpet bubble gum); and the MediBot patrols bodily nooks and crannies to repel “germy invaders.” Entered in a science fair, they are placed next to a giant-size robot (cobbled together from household items such as a bucket, plunger, and blow-dryer) and suddenly feel “very, very small.” However, when the Big Bot falls to pieces, it’s the NanoBots to the rescue. Exploding with energy and humor, Gall’s zoomed-in digitally created artwork conveys each miniscule machine’s personality and functionality. An author’s note introduces the science of nanorobotics and potential applications of devices with capabilities similar to the characters introduced here. VERDICT A pleasing amalgamation of imagination, STEM concepts, and superhero-style storytelling perfect for group reads and small group sharing. School Library Journal
This review was published in the School Library Journal August 2016 issue.